HVAC Repair in San Antonio TX: 3 Reasons Why the Pipes of Your Air Conditioner Freeze

by | Mar 2, 2015 | Heating and Cooling

How your air conditioning unit functions will sometimes change with the fluctuation of the outdoor temperatures. Any drastic change in the outside temperatures can cause a freezing problem in the pipes of your air conditioner. It is important to regularly call in qualified technicians to inspect the state of your cooling unit, since it is not possible to always have temperatures that favor the functioning of your air conditioning units.

The pipes of your AC unit can freeze even when they are properly insulated, and this cannot only cause inconveniences, it can also be hazardous to your health. You should be keen to observe the signs of frozen pipes and hire experts in HVAC Repair in San Antonio TX for you to enjoy consistent heating and cooling in your house. Three reasons the pipes of your air conditioner freeze include:

1. Clogs: Clogs in the major parts of your air conditioner can cause the pipes of your unit to freeze. Bad air flow may clog the major parts of your air conditioner, such as the drain lines, air conditioning evaporators and other inner parts. The pipes of your AC unit can also freeze once the air filters are clogged since the air flowing inside is restricted. Contract professional technicians to regularly change the indoor coils and filters, which will ensure consistent and proper cooling.

2. Freon loss: Low levels of the air conditioning refrigerant or Freon may cause the pipes of your AC appliance to freeze. This inhibits the AC appliance from properly cool your home indoor environment in the right way. The refrigerant or Freon levels can decrease if any part of the air conditioning unit is leaking. It is not easy for you to detect coolant leaks without the help of professionals who provide HVAC Repair in San Antonio TX.

3. Setting low thermostat levels: Ice can easily form in the pipes of your air conditioning appliance when you set the thermostat levels too low. Most people set low thermostat levels with the assumption that their AC system will cool faster, which is often a great mistake.

At M and M Weatherization, you can access highly qualified technicians who competently work on frozen pipes of different air conditioning units. You can contact them at, www.mmweatherization.com. You can also visit them at Google+

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